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Siren of the Underworld

Siren of the Underworld

The veil between the world of the living and the realm of the dead is becoming thin; brittle and easily broken through if one possesses the ancient knowledge to do so, and a bit of dark magic. Persephone has learned much in her years spent in the Underworld. After all, three thousand years is a long time to wait, a long time to prepare. The stars will align in perfect order again in just a few moons now. She has made all the preparations and gathered the necessary talismans: flowers collected from faraway meadows, treasures from the deepest depths of the sea, and of course, fresh pomegranates, each full of seed and symbolism. She gathers them all to her as she does the centuries-old bones of the object of her fiercest love. Soon she can cast the spell of reanimation. Soon they will be reunited.

This image is inspired by the mythos of Persephone, the Greek goddess who was kidnapped from a meadow and taken to the Underworld to marry Hades. Her mother Demeter became despondent and as a result all vegetation died and the world was plunged into winter. Zeus demanded that Persephone be returned to her mother, so spring could occur again with their happy reunion. But Hades had Persephone eat pomegranate seeds while in his realm, which would somehow compel her to return to the Underworld. She would live a third of the year with Hades, and the rest of the time she spent with Demeter on the earthly surface. This provided a mythological interpretation of the changing of the seasons. We are also inspired by the spirit of Samhain and Halloween, along with the concept of an unseen barrier between worlds thinning to allow more contact with those who have lived before us. And of course, we are ever inspired by mermaids, and Persephone is related to Poseidon after all!
Is the skeleton a lover, or an ancestor? Although I’ve included tons of symbolism to paint a more vivid picture in this creation, I also leave much open to interpretation.

This is a "Three Fates" production. We are:
Sarah Chisholm - photography, editing, design, concept, story writing
Sharon Lytle - hairstyling, make-up, assistant
Kristen Rex Holloway: model, assistant