The Celestial Mermaid KingdomThe Celestial Mermaid KingdomAvailable as a signed limited edition print in size 12"x18" on premium lustre photo paper for $80. Please note price does not include a mat or shipping. Please contact me directly to order. PayPal or email transfer payments processed. Shipping worldwide. Thank you!

On Being Environmentally Responsible

November 14, 2019  •  Leave a Comment

  I love nature and the environment and our precious landscapes and wildlife play an integral role not only in my life's work but of course in all of our lives as well. I try to do my part, as we all do, to better the earth.
  I pride myself in the content and products I produce, and that's why when someone gets a print from me, it's made only with the highest quality inks, papers, and packaging to ensure my artwork will look spectacular for hundreds of years to come. That means I only make art with new, premium materials that I source from reputable companies. However, everything else I create I do so with a mind to recycle, reuse, and avoid excessive packaging. Wherever possible I reuse cardboard and shipping materials to ship. That means your shipped package might look like Frankenstein put it together, but inside there's a beautiful creation. I reuse tags and stickers for pricing, have secondhand display units for shows, and almost all of my camera equipment is secondhand. My friends and I make or thrift almost every costume and prop we use in shoots. I don't disrupt or change the environments I'm photographing, and I try to pick up garbage in the wild when I find it.
  Am I perfect? Ppppfffftttt. We as humans are all doing terrible things to Mother Earth daily. But I try to do all the little things I can to ensure that I leave my surroundings better off than when I first came to them. 
Butterfly Kisses on my FingerButterfly Kisses on my Finger



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