The Celestial Mermaid KingdomThe Celestial Mermaid KingdomAvailable as a signed limited edition print in size 12"x18" on premium lustre photo paper for $80. Please note price does not include a mat or shipping. Please contact me directly to order. PayPal or email transfer payments processed. Shipping worldwide. Thank you!

On Not Revealing Locations

August 09, 2019  •  3 Comments

  I'm going to take a moment* to explain my rule and stance about revealing locations that I photograph. This rule has been in place since I established my Facebook page and other social media pages, and is written in black and white in my "about" section. I do not discuss locations or techniques. Period. 
  When I write a caption for a social media post, I compose it carefully. Every piece of information included or not included is completely on purpose, so when I don't give specifics about a location or subject, that's because I don't mean to say any more. I'm not too stupid to realize readers might want to know more... you get what you get with me, and that's that. This is for many reasons. 
  One is, I'm an artist, and not a tour guide. I would prefer if people just enjoyed the picture and let me make my magic, rather than have to spend time revealing the magic, or answering technical questions, which bring me down to earth from my clouds - and away from my creative zone! 
  Another big reason is that I respect private property and public spaces; I don't trespass, bother animals, destroy fields, add garbage, or remove pieces of nature. The same cannot be said for many people who might read about a location publicly. Last year in Canada, some farmers had their crop and property literally destroyed in mere minutes by people who read about their special place on the internet, and descended upon it like locusts, in search of selfies and social media likes. They were rude and even dangerous to the owners, and left them in financial ruin by afternoon. I would never, ever want to be responsible for sending a crazy mob, or even one obnoxious individual, to any beautiful location. 
  I get asked almost every day, "Where is this?". I've been on social media for ten years now, so imagine how many times I've read that question now, about the same places, over and over. If I took the time to answer every question, I would have zero time to do anything creative. 
  In regards to my unique to me stones photos, obviously I get asked about those, every single time I post one, to the point where I hesitate to share them anymore. "Where are the colourful stones"? The answer is, in my artwork, and only there. People inform me of how they'll arrive at the beach (once I've told them where this imagined beach is), and bring buckets, or even flatbed trucks, for all the stones they'll take home. Um, no. I don't think I need to explain why no one is going to get directions to a place they plan to pillage. Also, I don't know if you've noticed, but I sincerely dislike being copied or emulated. 
  Yet another reason for not giving locations could be, I simply don't remember where I was. A follower recently got mad because I didn't know where I was standing, in a foreign place, to take a photo. I'm not sure why it's important to know, but I'm not going to be made to feel badly about not giving a specific answer. 
  I could also just want to create an air of mystery. Suffice to say, it's my page, these are my creations, and I will share as much or as little about myself as I feel necessary. So it doesn't matter if it's a picture of the Eiffel Tower - if I don't put a specific location on a post, I'm not going to explain further. Even if I know you're "cool", I'm still not going to reveal locations to you, simply because I want to stick to my rule in all circumstances, no exceptions, so I don't have to make explanations often. "Where is this?" Here, on my page. That's all. 
  I am not posting this for argument or debate. In this age of entitlement, people think they should be given whatever they demand, and that if they ask a question, it must be met with an answer. I disagree, and I won't be giving locations or revealing techniques beyond what I explain in my captions. If you feel this is a reason to get snarky with me, please save us both energy and just scroll on. Thank you for reading. Cheers!

*Originally published at Sarah Chisholm Photography on Facebook
Skye JewelsSkye Jewels

  Isle of Skye, Scotland


Brenda Norman(non-registered)
Right on! End of story or in this case final explanation.
So just enjoying your creativity and talent… so in bc awe! That is all I need to know to appreciate your magic. Peace and Love, Brenda
Judith Duckworth(non-registered)
No comments posted.
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